184 THE ESSEX NATURALIST earlier, but newspaper reports have been received of an Adder near Connaught Waters. On this, possibly inadequate, evidence, we conclude that the Adder is found mainly in the northern half of Epping Forest, a circumstance which leads us to suggest an association between the dis- tribution of this snake in the Forest and the presence of gravel soils. Only further field work, and much indirect study can confirm this suggestion and reveal the nature, if there be one, of this association. Smooth Newt (Triturus vulgaris L.). This newt is not so common in the Forest ponds as might have been expected from its abundance else- where. It is, however, quite common and well distributed but in our experience never found in great numbers. During 1958 we recorded it in the following ponds: Earls Path Pond 1 (16 March); 2d, 2 9 (27 March); Strawberry Hill Pond 3d, 3 9 (27 March); Goldings Hill Pond 1♂, 1♀ (23 March), 1♂ (30 March); the lower Goldings Hill Pond 1♀ (23 March); Baldwins Hill Pond 2c?, 3 9 (6 April); Blackweir Pond 1♂, 1♀ (6 April), 2 (29 May), 1♂ (20 July); Bell Common Pond 1♀ (6 April); bomb-crater on Sunshine Plain, several (15 June); crater on Fairmead Bottom 2♂ (26 March), 2d, 1♀ (4 April); Fairmead Bottom Pond 1 (4 April). Additionally we have records of it from a pond in Lords Bushes 1958 (D.S.), a pond on Chingford Plain 1949 (A.C.W.) and a crater near the Cuckoo Pits—1944 (L. F. Brown). It has also been recorded in most of the Forest ponds south of The Castle, Woodford, in ponds at the Napier Arms, Rising Sun, Whipps Cross and Snaresbrook (G.M.). Palmate Newt (Triturus helveticus (Razoumoski)). During 1958 we have found this newt in abundance in many ponds in the Forest. It is as widely distributed as the preceding species but more common; on 4 July thirty were captured in one pond, a striking proof of its abund- ance. Detailed captures were as follows: Baldwins Hill Pond 1 d (23 March), 5♂, 11♀ (6 April); Blackweir Pond 9♂, 10♀, two unsexed (27 March); 3♂, 17♀ (6 April), several (29 May), 30 unsexed (4 July); several (20 July), 2 (28 September); Earls Path Pond 1♂ (27 March); Wake Pond 1♂ (30 March); lower Goldings Hill Pond 1♂, 1♀ (30 March); crater on Fairmead Bottom 1 9 (4 April); crater on Sunshine Plain, several (15 June); Goldings Hill Pond 1♂, 1♀ (30 March). We have received records of this species also from a pond in Lords Bushes 1958 (D.S.) It is said to have occurred in a pond at High Beech (Stubbs, 1920); also in a small pit near Chingford Station (Boulenger, 1887); and at Buckhurst Hill in June, 1899 (Cole, 1900). Crested newt (Triturus cristatus (Laurenti)). Recorded by Fitter (1949) and by Stubbs (1920) from Epping Forest without additional details. There seem to be few, if any, other records of this newt. Reported from a pond in Lords Bushes 1958 (D.S.). The only Crested Newts caught during 1958 were three taken in a crater on Fairmead Bottom on 24 March (A.C.W.); a large larval newt (40mm total length) caught in a nearby pond (4 April) could not be positively referred to