BIRDS AT NORTH FAMBRIDGE IN 1958 191 the cows' feet all day. 13th. A Spotted Flycatcher catching flies after dusk. It was so dark that I could only see it against the western sky. 14th. Swallows and House-Martins massing daily. 15th. Numerous Turtle-Doves in groups of five or six between Wickford and Fam- bridge. 17th. Saw a Wheatear standing on a post by the river, it then flew south across the water. 19th. No Swifts seen now. Greenshank calling on the marsh, About 100 Redshank in one flight dived in play and then settled on the old sea-wall. 20th. Chiffchaff singing in the garden. 22nd. Several Greenshank in the marsh and flying over the fields. A Barn-Owl "schrumped" as it flew round the farm tonight. 23rd. Chiffchaff singing. About a score of Yellow Wagtails around the cows' feet—one adult male as yellow as a canary. I counted 30 Long-tailed Tits working the willows. Swallows and House-Martins building up into large flights again. 24th. Warblers in large numbers. Three groups of Goldfinches. Myriads of flying insects make the farm a paradise for the migrating birds. A lone Swift this evening. 25th. A family of Common Whitethroats appeared today. Unlike the Lesser Whitethroat this species is not often seen here. 26th. A strange warbler in a plum tree; broad yellow stripe over eye, dark stripe through eye, light underparts, light brown back, dark brown stripes on wings and back. Quite tame and unidentified! 27th. Lesser Whitethroats but no Willow-Warblers today. Swallows and House-Martins in large groups making mock migration moves. Whimbrel calling all day. A large flight of Curlew pass down the river each evening. 28th. No Warblers during the day but a fresh bunch arrived after tea. Four Swifts in a large flight of Martins this evening. Thirteen Goldfinches in one group. 29th. About 100 Common Gulls hawking flies over the farm for a long time. 30th. The wettest August since 1883. A few Yellow Wagtails but no Warblers. 31st. Plenty of Spotted Flycatchers, a Kingfisher and a Red- start in the thicket. Many hundreds of Swallows and House-Martins overhead at dusk. September 2nd. A single Swift and Swallows tonight. 4th. A flight of at least 400 Curlew settled on Stow Creek saltings. 6th. My Stockman brought me a dead Wryneck apparently killed by a car at Mundon. 7th. Saw the first Pied Flycatcher of the autumn and watched it catching flies on the cinders, it spent a lot of time on the ground. It was an adult male. 8th. A female Pied Flycatcher and two juveniles on the cinder track. 9th. The pair and two young all day on the track. At 6.15 p.m. my son and I watched a male Golden Oriole sitting on the H.T. wires. This is the second male of this species which I have seen in this country. 12th. Two Wheatears on Hollington's Marsh. 10th to 30th. During this period Willow-Warblers, Chiffchaffs, Spotted Flycatchers, Yellow Wagtails and Wheatears were seen frequently. On the 10th, 13th and 17th, a Pied Flycatcher was seen. 13th. A cock Redstart. 25th. One Whitethroat. 30th. About 100 Swallows and House-Martins feeding behind the shelter of our tall elms. October 1st. Three Chiffchaffs in song together. Swallows and House- Martins were numerous from time to time until 18th, after which only small numbers were seen. A Chiffchaff was seen on the 2nd, 5th and