202 THE ESSEX NATURALIST water-mites have been published. Soar listed twenty genera and fifty- two species and to these can now be added Piona porripora, Arrhenurus virens and A. bruzelii. My own collecting was spread rather spasmodically over the years 1955 to 1958 in the Hatfield Peverel—Chelmsford area and was confined to small ponds. The list is by no means exhaustive and there must be many more unrecorded water-mites in the district. HYDRACARINA Limnocharae Limnocharidae Limnocharaes aquatica Latraille. Central Park, Chelmsford. Hydryphantae Hydryphantidae Hydryphantes ruber de Greer. Common especially in temporary ponds. Hydrodromidae Hydrodroma despiciens Muller. Common. Pionae Limnesidae Limnesia fulgida Koch. Sand pits, Sandon and Boreham. Limnesia maculata Muller. Sand pits, Central Park, Chelmsford, and Hatfield Peverel. Unionicolidae Unionicola crassipes Muller. Hatfield Peverel. Unionicola figularis Koch. Hatfield Peverel, Fairstead. Boreham. Pionidae Tiphys latipes Muller. Common in almost every pond. Tiphys lutescens Herm. Common. Tiphys ornatus Koch. Hatfield Peverel. Piona carnea Koch. Common. Piona conglobata Koch. Hatfield Peverel. Piona rotunda Kramer. Common. Piona obturbans Piersig. One only, Hatfield Peverel. Piona porcipora Sig Thor. One only. Hatfield Peverel. Arrhenurae Arrhenuridae Arrhenurus bruzelii Koen. Fairstead, Boreham. Arrhenurus virens Neum. Fairstead (also nymphs). Arrhenurus (Megaluracarus) caudatus Geer. Boreham. Arrhenurus (Truncaturus) bifidicodulus Piersig. Fairstead. Arrhenurus (Truncaturus) seccki Koen. Ingatestone. Arrhenurus (Truncaturus) integrator Muller. Hatfield Peverel, Boreham.