203 Aquatic Hemiptera in the Chelmsford Area BY P. M. HAMMOND A number of water-boatmen and other aquatic bugs have been col- lected during the past year or so, incidentally, while collecting aquatic Coleoptera, in the Chelmsford district. They have been obtained from a number of varied aquatic habitats mainly in Great Baddow and Galleywood. Naturally, most of the bugs collected are common species, but the occurrence of some of the species is of interest. NOTONECTIDAE Notonecta glauca L. A common species and, as expected, found in many of the habitats. N. maculata Fab. The only species found in two water- troughs in Gt. Baddow where it has been abundant for several years. One specimen, possibly a stray, at Great Baddow, in a pond. This is an interesting species as it requires a hard substratum on which to deposit its eggs and. although fairly common in the south of England, it does not appear to have been recorded from Essex. N. viridis Delcourt. Not found in the Chelmsford area, but three specimens obtained from Northey Island, 30th October, 1958. A brackish water species, but again does not appear to have been taken in Essex. CORIXIDAE Corixa punctata Illiger. and C. sahlbergi Fieber. Found in every habitat and very common in most. C. nigrolineata Fieber. Very common where it occurs. C. praeusta Fieber. Common in one pond at Galleywood and found on odd occasions in Gt. Baddow. C. moesta Fieber. Fairly common in one pond at Galleywood; Macan (1956. A Revised Key to the British Water-Bugs) gives C. moesta as "rather rare", but it is also recorded in 'The Victoria History of Essex', and by C. Nicholson (Essex Naturalist, Vol. XXI, p.169) for Essex. C. dorsalis Leach. Gt. Baddow and Galleywood. Macan gives it as one of the commonest species, but I can find no record of its occurrence in Essex. C. limitata Jaczewski. Galleywood and Gt. Baddow. C. distincta Fieber; one from Gt. Baddow. C. linnei Jaczewski; only one, a 9, from Galleywood. C. affinis Leach; one, a ♂ from Galleywood, 28th February, 1959. A rare species, apparently new to the county. C. scotti D. and S., from gravel pits at Sandon; again no apparent previous record for the county. NAUCORIDAE Ilyocoris cimicoides L. Only one; from a water-trough, Gt. Baddow, 1956. PLEIDAE Plea leachi MacGreg. Common in ponds with much duckweed in Gt. Baddow.