NEMATODES FROM SKIPPERS ISLAND 207 None of the species found in the non-brackish soil sample was found in any of the others, which suggests that they are intolerant of any appreciable salinity. On the other hand, all the nematodes found in the brackish samples are also quite well known as marine forms, It is of interest to note that Theristus (Trichothcristus) setosus, usually known as a marine form, was found only in the sample of mud from the bottom of "Heronry Pond". All the specimens are deposited in the collections of the British Museum (Natural History). REFERENCES Gerlach, S. A. (1954). Die freilebenden Nematoden der schleswig- holsteinischen Kusten. Schr. naturw. Ver. 27, 1, pp.44-69. Goodey, T. (1951). Soil and freshwater nematodes. London: Methuen and Co. Ltd. xxvi + 390pp. Man, J. G. de. (1876). Onderzoekingen over vrij in de aarde levande Nematoden. Tydschr. Nederl. Dierk. Ver. 2, pp.78-196. Schuurmans Stekhoven, J. H., Jr. (1935). Nematoda errantia. Tierw. N. —u. Ostsee. Teil 5b, 173pp. (Lief. 28). Maghraby, A. M. el and Perkins, E. J. (1956). Additions to the marine fauna of Whitstable. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (12), 9, pp.481-496. Lepidoptera in South-east Essex, 1958 BY H. C. HUGGINS, F.R.E.S. The year 1958 was a most disappointing one in the area. Judging from odd specimens captured there must have been a large and long-sustained flow of immigrants, but owing to the vile weather very few locally reared appeared, except in the case of the hardier species. The immigrants began on May 6th with a single Vanessa atalanta L. (Red Admiral), odd specimens continued to appear for the rest of the month and we had a large brood in August which continued on the wing till October. On May 18th I saw V. cardui L. (Painted Lady) on the wall between Tillingham and Bradwell and in the following week a few at Westcliff. In August and early September a very large brood appeared, I counted a score at once on a couple of buddleia bushes opposite my house, but by the third week in September these were all gone. Two Nomophila noctuella Schiff. (Rush Pearl) appeared on May 11th and thenceforward the moth appeared in varying numbers until October. I saw about 200 on the wall on May 18th with the