210 THE ESSEX NATURALIST C. hyale L. again failed to put in an appearance. Plusia gamma L. first appeared in the trap on April 24th and became of almost nightly occurrence from May 8th. The largest numbers occurred during August, with 1,756 on the morning of the 10th and the exceptional total of 3,674 on the 15th. The species was last seen on November 28th. The year's total of 20,100 was better than average. Nomophila noctuella Schiff. first appeared on May 8th; the biggest numbers occurred in August, with 80 on the morning of the 15th. The last was seen on October 25th. The year's total was 513, well above average. A male specimen of Acherontia atropos L. was taken by the trap on July 14th and seven pupae were brought to me between October 17th and 29th from local potato fields. Only two of the pupae appeared to be uninjured and, having spent the winter in an unheated cellar, still seem very much alive at April 3rd. A single male Herse convolvuli L. appeared in the trap on September 15th. Macroglossum stellatarum L. had another poor year, with single speci- mens on June 18th and August 24th. It was quite a good year for the less regular migrants; nine speci- mens of Laphygma exigua Hubn. occurred between July 30th and September 14th; an early specimen of Heliothis peltigera Schiff. appeared on May 19th, one on August 10th and a pair on the 15th; H. armigera Hubn., a male, on September 18th and a female on October 10th; Nycterosea obstipata Fabr. totalled 13 between September 2nd and November 8th. Palpita unionalis Hubn., eight between September 4th and 17th and three more October 8th and 9th; Hapalia ferrugalis Hubn. 28 between August 9th and November 8th. It was an exceptional year for Spaelotis ravida Schiff., no less than 20 occuring in the light-trap between July 12th and August 30th. Butterflies and Moths at North Fambridge in 1958 BY JACK T. FRIEDLEIN March 30th. A Peacock and seven Small Tortoiseshells were on the wing. April 30th. The first Orange Tips appeared. May 4th. One Common Blue today. 11th. The first Painted Lady on forget- me-not flowers. 20th. A Painted Lady again today. 21st. A freshly emerged Comma in flight. 27th. A male Brimstone. 28th. Orange Tips, Walls and Whites plentiful. 30th. The first Silver-Y tonight.