212 THE ESSEX NATURALIST November 1st. Two Small Tortoiseshells. 7th. Two Sprawlers and Thorns came to light. 11th. Three Small Tortoiseshells at flowers. This was the last observation made this year, no Convolvulus Hawks. Elephant Hawks nor Small Elephant Hawks having been seen. REPORT OF COUNCIL FOR 1958 The year has seen little marked variation in the customary rhythm of the Club's activities. Progress continues to be made in the scientific aspects of the Club's work, and this, coupled with con- tinued efforts to include popular interest in Club activities, has provided interest for all members. Six field meetings have been held in the course of the year. The annual Fungus Foray in Epping Forest was, as usual, well attended, as also was a meeting devoted to the study of grasses in Weald Park. Full reports of these and other meetings appear elsewhere. The indoor meetings covered all aspects of the Club's interest and were attended by from twenty-eight to thirty-eight persons. The revival of an indoor meeting in mid-December was well received, when twenty-eight persons were present. The Council wishes to acknowledge the valuable help and co-operation of Mr. K. Marshall in attending to many of the details at those meetings, and particularly for placing the Lecture Room of the Passmore Edwards Museum at the Club's disposal. Group Meetings arranged by three of the Club's Recorders were an innovation of the year. Two of these were very poorly attended, but the third meeting was considered to be highly successful by those who participated. The Council wishes to encourage members to attend these meetings, at which persons interested in a special subject can meet under expert guidance. The Group Meetings are intended to appeal as much to the beginner as to the expert specialist, and they represent an opportunity to contribute collectively to knowledge of aspects of the local flora and fauna. The Club's membership during the year has risen by twenty-nine: the total now stands at 232. There have been six resignations, two deletions from the list of members, and five members have died. The Council notes with deep regret the decease of the following members-: Mr. S. Hazzledine Warren, a Vice-President and member of the Club since 1906; Mr. S. L. Bensusan, an Honorary Member; Mr. J. G. Mathieson. a member for fifty years; Mr. C. Whitwell, who joined the Club in 1919; and Mrs. K. Gilmour. Of the thirty-seven persons who joined the Club in 1958. eleven were Junior Members. In addition the Council has been pleased to admit into affiliation with the Club five schools, or school societies, and we look forward to the Club helping their mem- bers in the appreciation and the study of the natural history and the antiquities of the County.