REPORT OF THE COUNCIL FOR 1958 213 The Council wishes to bring to the attention of members the desir- ability of increasing membership of the Club. The number of members has remained relatively static for several years, as also has the Club's income from subscriptions, and in a world of rising costs an increase in members and thus in income, is fast becoming a financial necessity. The Council therefore asks members to introduce new members to the Club from amongst their friends who are in sympathy with the Club's objects. The usual high standard of the Essex Naturalist has been maintained and it continues in its dual role as a scientific journal and an able publication of popular interest. Its appearance so late in the year was due to non-recurrent difficulties entirely beyond the control of the Editor, Mr. C. B. Pratt. The Council once again reminds members that the continued production of the Essex Naturalist depends very largely on the Club's members exercising their privilege of submitting notes and papers for publication. The Epping Forest Museum continues to fulfill its function as an educational institution, 14,000 persons having visited it in 1958. The rearrangement of existing displays and the provision of new material have made heavy demands on the Honorary Curator. The constant interest in the Museum of our Honorary Member, Mr. J. Ross, is greatly appreciated by the Council. On behalf of the Council, Mr. B. T. Ward attended a Conference on County Naturalists Trusts arranged by the South Eastern Union of Scientific Societies. Following his report the Council took the initiative in calling a preliminary meeting to discuss the formation of a County Naturalists' Trust for Essex. The Council places on record its apprecia- tion of Mr. T. C. H. Bartrop who, at the Council's request, undertook all the preliminary work in connection with this meeting. During the year the Essex County Council approached the Club with a request to give advice on the preservation of the ancient boundary stones of Epping Forest. Dr. E. A. Rudge acted on behalf of the Club Council in this matter and we are pleased to note that the County Council are now taking further action. At the Annual General Meeting in 1958, Mr. Richard Ward retired as Secretary of the Club. Mr. Ward had discharged this onerous office, first as Joint Honorary Secretary and later as the sole Secretary, for six years. The Council wishes to record its deep appreciation for all that he. and Mrs. Ward have done for the welfare of the Club since they first took office in 1948. The Council offers them its grateful thanks. The Council also wishes to express its appreciation of the loyal service to the Club rendered by Mrs. S. G. Harley in her capacity as Field Meetings Secretary since 1954, an office which Mrs. Harley wishes to relinquish. Miss A. V. Bristow does not seek re-election as the Club's Assistant Secretary; the Council wishes to thank her for her meticulous minuting of its meetings.