REPORTS OF MEETINGS 215 A complex series of foundations, of a date earlier than the upper walls, as shown on the 18th century plans, have been found and are believed to represent two earlier houses. The lowest, and therefore the earliest, consists of a north-south wall in the centre of which is a semi-circular bastion, supported by a massive buttress, extending to the full depth excavated. The great depth of disturbed ground at this point is clearly due to the fact that the excavation was made in the centre of a filled in moat or ditch associated with the north-south wall and bastion. The vaulted foundations of the second building, or an extension to the first, were placed in this ditch. The discovery of a large settlement crack in the corner of the bay window, probably due to uneven settlement on the London clay infilling, leads to interesting speculations. The foundations of a line of arches reaching from the tower to the southern face of the latest building have also been uncovered and a large part of the plan of the western end of the house is now available for comparison with plans in the Essex Record Office. The finds indicate a late 14th or early 15th century date for the earliest moated house. It is hoped during the 1958 season to extend the excavations to the centre portion and to excavate the kitchen quarters on the eastern side. The work has been made possible by generous grants from the Essex Field Club, the Essex Archaeological Society and the Brentwood Histor- ical Society and by the exertions of many volunteers who are too numerous to name individually. ORDINARY MEETING (1016th MEETING) Saturday, February 22nd, 1958 This meeting was held at the West Ham College of Technology at 3 p.m. The chair was taken by the President, Mr. E. E. Syms and there was an attendance of thirty-five. The following were elected to membership of the Club :— Mr. W. D. Ian Rolfe, of the Department of Geology, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston. Birmingham, 16. Mr. D. J. Wiley, of 7, Naseby Road, Ilford. The Secretary announced that the following had been nominated for election to office for the year 1958/9: — President: Mr. E. E. Syms, F.R.E.S., F.Z.S. Hon. Treasurer: Mr. E. F. Williams, F.R.E.S, F.Z.S. Hon. Secretary: Mr. Alwyne C. Wheeler. Hon. Assistant Secretary: Miss A. V. Bristow. Hon. Field Meeting Secretary: Mrs. S. G. Harley. Hon. Curator (Epping Forest Museum): Mr. Bernard T. Ward. Hon. Editor: Mr. C. B. Pratt, M.P.S, F.S.M.C.