226 THE ESSEX NATURALIST Two main features had been established during the season's work. It had been confirmed that there was originally only one entrance to the camp and it had been discovered that the banks at the entrance were revetted by walls of Hertfordshire Puddingstone. After the lecture several questions were asked by members of the audience and answered by the lecturer. Mr. Alexander has kindly supplied some notes on the subject for publication. ORDINARY MEETING (1026th MEETING) Saturday, December 13th, 1958 Twenty-eight persons attended this meeting at the Passmore Ed- wards Museum and the chair was taken by the President, Mr. E. E. Syms. The following were elected to membership of the Club: — Mr. G. Malenoir, of 309, Hainault Road, London, E.11. Mr. P. H. Clarke, of Manor Cottage, North Fambridge. Dr. K. L. Alvin gave a talk on Lichens in which he briefly men- tioned the differing forms and shapes that these plants assume according to varying conditions. After having touched on details of the anatomy and physiology of Lichens the lecturer showed a series of beautiful colour-slides of species photographed by himself during recent years. Mr. A. J. Pettifer then spoke on the subject "The Bryophytes—Some Observations". He briefly discussed the structure and differences between liverworts and mosses and then gave a most interesting account of methods of identification and the recent studies that he and other members had conducted on Essex Bryophytes. After a number of questions and a general discussion relating to both these subjects the President thanked Dr. Alvin and Mr. Pettifer. Before going down to tea the members were able to inspect a large number of exhibits displayed by the lecturers.