227 Editorial THE new Editor wishes to take this opportunity of thanking those members of the Club who contributed so generously to the present issue. More papers were received than could be printed in one issue and it is hoped that many of those will appear in the 1961 Essex Naturalist. Much of the delay in the publishing this year has been due to the difficulty in deciding which papers were to be held over. 1880-1960 ON the occasion of the eightieth anniversary of the foundation of the Club, the Council would like to draw the attention of all naturalists in Essex to its work and activities. In 1880 the objects of the Club were defined as the promotion of interest in the natural history, geology and archaeology of Essex, and to-day these same objects are being vigorously pursued. Par from being an aged, or infirm octogenarian, the Club is actively expanding and developing its services to both its members and the county, and thus fully justifies its claim to be "The County Natural History Society". On the scientific side, the establishment of Botanical and Geological Groups has meant that students of these subjects are provided with specialist activities designed to help them in their researches. The foundation of other specialists Groups within the Club has envisaged for the near future. Three Ecological Surveys are being conducted by the Club, one of Skipper's Island (Thorpe-le-Soken), another at Woodham Walter Common, and the third in Epping Forest. These are projects designed to secure the maximum knowledge of all aspects of natural history in a small area, with the eventual object of discovering the dis- tribution and occurrence of plants and animals, as well as their interdependence on one another. In these activities all naturalists, whether beginners or experts, can make a useful contribution to the study of their county. The Council extends a cordial invitation to all who are in- terested in natural history, geology or archaeology in Essex to join the Club and to participate in these and other endeavours.