BRYOPHYTE NOTES 245 Weissia crispa (Hedw.) Mitt. Has been found at Upshire on a road verge, which is part of Epping Forest. This is an unusual species to be added to the Epping Forest list, and was last recorded in Essex in 1874 at Saffron Walden. Bartramia pomiformis Hedw. Not a common moss in Essex, was re- discovered in Pods Wood near Colchester where it had been recorded by Dr. Varenne in 1860—99 years ago. Zygodon viridissimus (Dicks.) R.Br., was found growing on cement facing of a wall near Spellbrook Lock covering an area of over two square feet and again in the interstices of a flint wall at Great Hallingbury. The habitat is usually on tree trunks. Dicranoweissia cirrata (Hedw.) Lindb., from the flint wall at Great Hallingbury with the above, the usual habitat again being tree trunks. Orthotrichum diaphanum Brid. is regarded normally as a moss grow- ing on tree trunks, especially Elder. In Essex, however, this does not seem to be the case: it is much more commonly found on walls, on brickwork, and on stonework in churchyards, growing both on the horizontal and vertical face of the masonry. On masonry it has been found near Writtle; by Blackmore; by River Stort at Harlow Mill; Burnt Mill, Roydon and Parndon; in Harlow and Magdalen Laver churchyards. On Elder bushes it has been found in Hatfield Forest. Eurhynchium swartzii (Turn.) Curn. Quite a common species, but very rarely fruiting was found, with capsules, on a disused air- field at Matching. RECENT ESSEX RECORDS Mosses Fissidens minutulus Sull. ex Braithw., growing on old bricks on the ground in a chalk pit at Grays. Another specimen was found growing on a chalk lump in 'Botany' chalk pit at Purfleet. December, 1958. V.c. 18. F. cristatus Wils. A ground moss growing in a disused chalk pit at Grays. March, 1959. V.c. 18. Dicranella schreberiana (Hedw.) Dix., growing by the roadside at Upshire; the road verge at this point is part of Epping Forest. June, 1959. V.c. 19. This moss was again found at Brick Farm, near Newport, Essex. Gyroweissia tenuis (Hedw.) Schp. In the churchyard at High Laver a fruiting plant growing on the vertical face of old brickwork. November, 1959. V.c. 19. Weissia crispa var. aciculata (Mitt.) Braithw. Growing by the road- side on a steep sandy slope, near Great Sampford. March, 1959. V.c. 19. Hygrohypnum luridum (Hedw.) Jennings, from the concrete sides of a lock close to Roydon. September, 1959. V.c. 19.