246 THE ESSEX NATURALIST All the above are new records for the County as a whole. The fol- lowing species which had previously been noted in one of the two vice- counties of Essex have now been discovered in the other vice-county. Barbula rigidula (Hedw.) Mitt., growing on the brickwork of a bridge at Sandon, gemmae being abundant in the axils of the leaves. October, 1959. V.c. 18. B. cylindrica (Tayl.) Schp., growing at the base of Sycamore trees (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) in a disused chalk pit at Grays. March, 1959. V.c. 18. Orthodontium lineare Schwaegr. Growing in woodland on a rotting tree-stump near Matching Church and Lake. November, 1959. V.c. 19. This species not many years ago was considered to be rare but to-day has become quite common and is usually to be found fruiting abundantly. Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedw.) B. & S. Growing by Lodge Road, near the Wake Arms Inn, Epping Forest. 1958. V.c. 19. Liverworts Anthoceros laevis L. A small amount growing in gravel pits near Grays. V.c. 18. Riccia sorocarpa Bisch., growing abundantly in stubble fields near Navestock Heath. November, 1958. V.-c. 18. B. fluitans L. Abundantly floating on a pond by the roadside close to Hatfield Heath. June, 1959. V.c. 19. Riccardia pinguis (L.) S. F. Gray, growing on wet chalky ground by a ditch on a disused airfield at Norton Mandeville. February, 1959. V.c. 19. B. sinuata (Dicks.) Trev. was together growing with the above by the ditch. February, 1959. V.c. 19. Lepidozia reptans (L.) Dum. Doubtfully recorded for V.c. 19, grows in some quantity by Lodge Road near the Wake Arms Inn, Epping Forest. September, 1959. V.c. 19. Plagiochila asplenioides var. major Nees, growing by a woodland pond in Curtis Mill Green. March, 1959. V.c. 18. Scapania undulata (L.) Dum. Growing in marshy ground by the side of a stream in Thorndon Park (Alvin & Pettifer). May, 1959. V.c. 18.