258 THE ESSEX NATURALIST Figure production. Specially noteworthy is the pair of all-white Figures of the Actress, "Kitty Clive", as 'The Fine Lady', and of the Actor, "Henry Woodward", as 'The Fine Gentleman' in Garrick's farce, "Lethe". A pair, incised with the date 1750, may be seen in the Special Exhibition of Bow porcelain which is now on view in The British Museum.* (Incidentally, several examples of this famous pair of Bow Figures have passed through the writer's hands in the past 40-50 years.) If any 'disbelieving Thomas' doubts the veracity of the assertion that Bow made a speciality of Figures, he should read Chapter III, "The Old Bow Figures", in the book Bow Porcelain, by the late Frank Hurlbutt. The writer desires to make due acknowledgment to the author and the Publishers of the Catalogue of the Special Exhibition of "Bow Porcelain" in the British Museum, 1959-60, and to the publishers "Bow Porcelain" 1926, by the late Frank Hurlbutt; for information he has gleaned from these publications and which he has incorporated in this article. T. L. C. October 1959. *[1959.] The Development of. Electra crustulenta (Pallas) (Polyzoa, Ectoprocta) By Patricia L. Cook (British Museum (Natural History)) Contents: Synopsis Development of Electra crustulenta (Pallas) Membranipora seurati (Canu) Acknowledgments References Synopsis. Larvae identified with Cyphonautes barroisi Lohmann collected from New England Creek, Essex, England, on 17th and 19th March 1959 and 15th March 1960, settled and developed into ancestrulae recognisable as those of Electra crustulenta (Pallas). The larvae were fully developed and had probably been extruded during the preceding week; they settled readily on glass slides in well aerated water at 11°-15° C. Neither eggs nor sperm were found in the preserved zooids of adult colonies of E. crustulenta collected from the Creek, but well developed intertentacular organs were present in the live material and in 1960 the final stages of egg extrusion were observed twice.