THE DAWN CHORUS IN ESSEX 271 Conclusions The results show:— (1) The chorus has a "pattern". A. The chorus starts with the following birds before sunrise; rises to a crescendo— Redstart (very difficult to identify later on because of other birds) Robin Owl Blackbird Song Thrush Cuckoo Wood Pigeon These songs tend to fade and are followed by: — B. Chaffinch Warblers Tits Wren These birds start after sunrise. C. The Robin keeps up its song for a considerable period of time. (2) The 1959 results (Table B, although they are the first adopting the new method) begin to confirm the results above. It is hoped that future results obtained by this method will give a clearer picture of the "pattern" referred to above. (3) Weather.—A note of the weather has been made and it would appear that it has no effect on the records. (4) The 1958 Records [4th May] indicate that the time of start can be related to the time of sunrise. Members can help in future investigations by sending me records each year, using either method. For 1960, records will be made on 22nd May. Even if only the Robin, Song Thrush, Blackbird, Tits and Chaffinch are recorded, the results will be of value. Jay-Magpie Records Members have continued to send in details of this inquiry. Records are urgently required from the Eastern, Southern and Northern parts of Essex. Wood Warbler Records No records have been received regarding these birds for 1959.