281 The Essex Field Club Annual Report for 1959 THE past year has been one of considerable advancement in the Club's standing as the only society of its kind to embrace the whole of Essex. In the early part of the year the Council appointed a Committee to make recommendations on future policy. The first outward sign of its labours was the considerable alteration to the Rules adopted at the Annual General Meeting, but many other developments during that year stem from the advice of this Committee. The Recorders' scheme has been extended to cover almost all aspects of the Club's interests, and members can help the Recorders materially by sending in notes or specimens for identification. An innovation of 1959 was the founding of the first specialist group in the Club. The inaugural meeting of the Geological Group was attended by over 30 members and guests. The Council anticipates that the Group will be actively engaged in geological studies in the near future which will add to the existing knowledge of a hitherto rather neglected county. This is the first of the Club's Groups to cater for those naturalists of specialist interests; others will be formed as occasion arises, and it is the Council's hope that before long all disciplines will be represented by Groups. Towards the end of the year it was agreed that the Club should organise three ecological surveys in Essex, and during the coming year a number of informal meetings will be held at these sites. The Recorders are confident that by directing their interests to these relatively small areas, a real contribution to the study of Essex can be made. These surveys are probably one of the most important projects that the Club has undertaken in recent years. During 1959, the Council was pleased to make a grant from the Research Fund in aid of the exploration and study of the Dene Holes at Grays. The results of this work have been given in part at one of the indoor meetings; they will be published in due course in The Essex Naturalist. The agreement with the Corporation of West Ham concerning the Passmore Edwards Museum, concluded in 1956, required the Council to appoint three Governors of the Museum this year. The Council were pleased to appoint the President, Mr. E. F. Williams, Mr. L. S. Harley and Mr. C. B. Pratt as Governors. The Club's gratitude is due to Mr. E. E. Syms who served as a Governor for three years. Membership of the Club has continued to increase, forty-four members have joined during 1959, one member died, ten have resigned, and fifteen have been written off for non-payment of subscriptions. The Council wishes to remind members again that