REPORTS OF MEETINGS 283 Exhibits at this meeting included a collection of disected owl pellets displayed by Mr. M. Parker and a collection of skulls of birds and mammals from Thorndon Park displayed by Mr. John Campbell, jun. Saturday, 28th February 1959 An indoor meeting, held at the newly opened All Saints' Museum of Natural History, Colchester, by courtesy of Mr. C. E. Owen, the Curator, and devoted to the natural history of Skippers Island, attracted an audience of fifty-five. At the commencement of the meeting the Secretary read the list of nominations by the Council for Officers and Council members for election at the Annual General Meeting. These were : as President—Mr. E. F. Williams, F.R.E.S., F.Z.S.; as Hon. Treasurer—Mr. E. F. Williams (pro tem); Hon. Secretary—Mr A. C. Wheeler; Hon. Assistant Secre- taries—Dr. E. A. Rudge and Dr. R, H. Nisbet; Editor—Mr. C. B. Pratt; Curator of the Epping Forest Museum—Mr. B. T. Ward; and as Council members—Mrs. F. B. Bartrop, Mr. T. H. C. Bartrop, Dr. J. H. Belcher, Mr. L. S. Harley, Mr. M. T. Parker, and Mr. A. J. Pettifer. Mr. E. F. Williams then addressed the meeting as "Introducing the Island" and gave a brief account of its history as far as is known, illus- trated with his own colour slides. Dr. R. H. Nisbet followed with an account of the Marine Invertebrates of the Island, illustrating his lecture with blackboard drawings and a wealth of preserved specimens. The Plants of the Island formed the subject of an interesting and thoughtful paper by Mr. Bernard T. Ward, and, finally, Mr. A. C. Wheeler gave an account of the Vertebrates seen on and around the Island. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Saturday, 21st March 1959 The Annual General Meeting was held in the West Ham College of Technology, at 3 p.m., the President, Mr. E. E. Syms, in the Chair. Thirty-five members were present. Following several announcements and brief notes and exhibits from members, the business of the Annual General Meeting was proceeded with. The Report of the Council for the year 1958 had been circulated and was adopted by the meeting, as was the Financial Statement which was introduced and explained by the Hon. Treasurer, Mr. E. F. Williams. The President then announced that in the absence of other nominations, he declared the Council's nominees, as read at the last meeting, and printed on the agenda, to be elected. On assuming the Presidential Chair, amidst acclamation, Mr. Williams paid tribute to the devoted work and interest in the Club shown by Mr. Syms during his term of office. The President then indicated his pleasure in introducing the next item on the agenda, the election of Mr. O. Hall Crouch as an Honorary Member. After touching briefly on Mr. Crouch's many services as Council Member, Honorary Librarian, and Auditor for many years, the President put to the meeting the proposal which was carried with acclamation.