290 THE ESSEX NATURALIST Obituary It is with sorrow that we record the death, on 3rd December 1960, of Mr. T. Leonard Crow, author of the paper on "Bow Porcelain" in this issue of the Essex Naturalist. Mr. Crow was a member of an old and much respected West Ham family. His uncle, William Crow, had a jeweller's business in Stratford and was Mayor of West Ham in 1895-1896 and in 1913-1914. Mr. Leonard Crow first worked with his uncle and later set up business in the West Country as an antique dealer. He was a recognised authority on ceramics and wrote several papers on the subject. In 1945 he gave the "Crow Collection of Bow Porcelain" to the Passmore Edwards Museum to commemorate the connection of his family with the County Borough of West Ham. W. M. Y.