296 THE ESSEX NATURALIST Soil Analysis Table III shows the results of the mechanical analysis of the soil samples taken at the given stations. The last column shows that there has been a gain in weight in every sample. Theoretic- ally there should be a loss in weight of about 5% due to various causes. These causes, and possible reasons for the gain in weight of up to 5% will be discussed, along with a detailed description of the, methods of analysis, in another paper. TABLE III DISTRIBUTION OF THE MACROFAUNA OF THE CREEK The species included in this account are only those which are retained in a 30 mesh brass sieve; no account has been taken of the microfauna of the creek. List of Species ANNELIDA—Polychaeta—Nereis diversicolor (Muller) Arenicola marina CL.) Sabellidae (tubes) MOLLUSCA— Lamellibranchia—Cardium edule (L.) Mytilus edulis (L.) Scrobicularia plana (da Costa) —Gastropoda—Littorina littorea (L.) Paludestrina stagnalis (L.) ARTHROPODA—Crustacea— Cirripedia—Balanus balanoides (L.) Elminius modestus (Darwin) Amphipoda—Corophium arenarium (Crawford) Corophium volutator (Pallas) Decapoda—Carcinus maenas CL.)