ECOLOGICAL STUDIES IN SOUTH BENFLEET CREEK 297 Distribution Mud-dwelling fauna I am very much indebted to Mr. G. I. Crawford for confirming my identification of the two species of Corophium found in the Creek. In his letter to me he writes: —"I have no doubt that the specimens from area G are C. volutator and that the specimens from areas A, B, E and F are the same as what I called C. arenarium in my 1937 paper. I express it in this cautious way, because in that paper I left the validity of the 'specific' dis- tinctions unresolved .... I believe, however, that C. arenarium is now generally accepted as a good species, but all I can say is that I am satisfied that your specimens are the same species (sub-species or form) as the material on which I named and described C. arenarium". TABLE IV The distribution of Nereis diversicolor Arenicola marina, Sabellidae tubes, Scrobicularia plana, Paludestrina stagnalis, Corophium arenarium and Corophium volutator. P denotes they are present.