FURTHER SUBSIDENCES NEAR STIFFORD, ESSEX 309 Stopford, S. C. (1951). An ecological survey of the Cheshire Foreshore of the Dee Estuary. J. Anim. Ecol., 20: 103-122. Southward, A. J. (1953). The fauna of some sandy and muddy shores in the south of the Isle of Man. Proc. Trans. Liv. Biol. Soc, 59. Tait, J. (1917). Immersion Experiments on Ligia oceanica. Proc. roy. Soc. Edinb., 37 : 50. Watkins, E. E. (1941). The yearly life cycle of the Amphipod Corophium volutator. J. Anim. Ecol., 10: 77-93. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks are extended to Mr. P. Harris for helping with the soil analysis techniques; Mr. G. I. Crawford for confirming my identifications of the two species of Corophium.; the laboratory technician of the University College of North Staffs. for determin- ing the salinity; Mr. A. Meadows for the loan of a chemical balance; and Dr. R. G. Evans, Ph.D., F.Z.S., Senior Lecturer in Biology at the University College of North Staffs. for supervising the work. Further Subsidences near Stifford, Essex* By R. G. Blezard, F.G.S. Introduction The topic of subsidences near Stifford is not new to the pages of The Essex Naturalist. T. V. Holmes, in his term as vice- president of the Essex Field Club, read a paper on 12th July 1889 to the Club on this subject. He described some 'singular subsidences that had shown themselves during the month of May'. He indicated the positions of three subsidences, (i) near the junction of Cuckoo Lane and the A.13 arterial road (this was not built until 1927), and (ii) at a location in the northern section of Hogg Lane (A.1012) near the left-hand side leaving Grays— there being two subsidences at this latter position. Structure of earlier subsidences A cross-section of one of Holmes' subsidences is given in Fig. 1. and Fig. 2 shows in plan form the locality relationship of Holmes' subsidences in relation to those mentioned in this paper. The original pits were probably small scale excavations for agricultural purposes and their association with deneholes must be considered strong. *Paper read at the Essex Field Club meeting on 21st January 1961.