FURTHER SUBSIDENCES NEAR STIFFORD, ESSEX 311 Recent subsidences The last sentence in the above extract from Holmes' paper is significant with its prophecy. It is always pleasing to record the fulfillment of such a prophecy, and so nearly seventy years later we did have an unusually heavy rainfall—probably one of the heaviest in the Thurrock area for many years—on the evening of Friday, 5th September 1958. Following the storm subsidences were reported near the A. 13 arterial road—one was found on the south side of the A. 13 road, half a mile west of the Cuckoo Lane subsidence reported by Holmes. Other subsidences, believed two, were reported in private farm property north of this point, but they were not examined. The subsidence noted in September 1958 was on the south side of the A.13, on the eastern side of Peters and Barham's sand pit and about 80 yards west of the Back Lane entrance (across the road) and some eight yards from the road. Figure 3. Stifford Subsidence Section (1958) Plate 13, top and bottom, are photographs of the subsidence and Fig, 3 is a cross-section to be compared with Fig, 1 (Holme's subsidence). The section of the subsidence was: — Section Ref. Soil, heavy deep brown clay ........................ 28" 1 Gravel—pebbly and irregular, 1/2" down in size, in sand matrix with flint fragments noted in places ................................. 13" 2