BIRD NOTES OF THE STOUR 325 Bird Notes of the Stour (1949-59) H. McSWEENEY THIS list has been compiled over a period of the last ten years, being mainly week-end observations. All the birds listed have been observed in the proximity of the shore line, within 100 yards of the High Water Mark. Magpie Jay Carrion Crow Hooded Crow Jackdaw Rook Greenfinch Goldfinch Linnet Redpoll Chaffinch Brambling Bullfinch Yellowhammer Snow Bunting Corn Bunting Reed Bunting Starling Skylark House Sparrow Siskin Shore Lark Pied Wagtail Frequently feeding on dead sea birds, occasionally nesting where suitable sites occur. Occurs in many small woods bordering on the shore line. Feeds regularly with the receding tide; several nests are found every year. Individual birds appear each year in winter. Common. Mainly flying over. Will on occasions feed on shore, if weather is hard. Common. Large flocks in winter on the saltings. Small parties in winter. A few pairs nest in orchards adjacent to estuary. Common. Flocks in winter. Common nester in summer; some nests have been found well below h.w.m. Seen most years during winter. Common. Summer and winter. Uncommon winter visitor to the woods adjoining shore. A few pairs frequent suitable areas along the shore and nest. Common. Summer and winter. Nesting in many places on sea walls. Occurs each winter. Numbers increasing when weather conditions are bad in the north. Has been met with on occasions. Summer and winter. Common nester on the marshes and saltings. Common. Summer and winter. Huge flocks during winter. Common. Summer and winter. Nesting on meadows and marshes. Common. Large flocks in winter. Observed on several occasions, usually when conditions are bad in the North. Rare winter visitor. Seen on three occasions. Uncommon. Few nest on water meadows each year.