skipper's island papers 333 covered by the highest spring tides. The lichens here are best developed on the sides facing the open marsh (i.e. the S.-W. side). That a zonation of species exists is apparent on inspection, but this has been demonstrated quantitatively by means of con- tinuous series of 2" square quadrats running from 2" to 20" above soil level on ten selected posts 20" high. The presence or absence of species was recorded in the individual squares and the results are recorded in the histograms in fig. 1. Figure 1. Histograms representing the distribution of the main lichens ou the S.W. side of posts situated at about mean high water mark. Ten posts 20 in. high were selected and on each was drawn a continuous series of 2 in. squares running from 2 in. to 20 in. The presence or absence of species was recorded in each square. The vertical columns of histograms represent the number of occurrences (out of the possible 10).