ESSEX BRYOPHYTA NOTES 337 Seal Phoca vitulina L. Very occasionally Seals (presumably this species, which is the most common one in the southern North Sea) have been seen. One was seen below the dam in 1957 (E.F.W.). This list is to the best of my knowledge complete to date, but it will certainly be added to in time. There are a number of species not reported so far which might reasonably be expected to live on, or visit, the island. Chief amongst these are the bats, two kinds of which have been seen but not identified. One seen and heard flying high overhead in July 1959, was probably a Noctule (Nyctalus noctula (Schreber)), and a smaller bat seen around the bungalow and hedgerow was doubtfully identified as a Pipistrelle (Pipistrellus pipistrellus (Schreber)). Essex Bryophyte Notes for 1960 By Eric Saunders The dry conditions of 1959 were not repeated during 1960 and the very wet autumn and delayed ploughing produced an excellent crop of the minute bryophytes of stubble fields, mainly from the area around Saffron Walden in N.W. Essex (Vice-county 19), where in places the chalk is exposed naturally at the surface. New species for Essex from these regions include : — Mosses Ditrichum cylindricum (Hedw.) Grout from stubble fields at Audley End, Nov. 1960, v.c. 19. Phascum floerkeanum Web. & Mohr from stubble fields at Little- bury, Oct, 1960, v.c. 19. Ephemerum recurvifolium (Dicks.) Boul. from Stubble fields at Audley End, Nov. 1960, v.c. 19. Campylium sommerfeltii (Myr.) Bryhn under beech trees at Audley End, Nov. 1960, v.c. 19. Barbula convoluta Hedw. var. commutata (Jur.) Husnot under beech trees at Audley End, Nov. 1960, v.c. 19. Pottia bryoides (Dicks.) Mitt, from stubble field near Duddenhoe End, Dec. 1960, v.c. 19. Pohlia proligera Lindb. from roadside near Takeley, Sept. 1960, v.c. 19. Liverworts Anthoceros punctatus L. from newly made road embankment near Quendon, Dec. 1960, v.c. 19. Lophozia bicrenata (Schmid.) Dum. from sandpit near Wicken Bonhunt, June 1960, v.c. 19 (A.J.P. & E.S.).