342 THE ESSEX NATURALIST the crag gasteropods. The deposit's geological relationships were also described by him. The group has asked the Field Club to buy the 21/2 inch to 1 mile maps of the County and this has now been done, and these, together with a list of gravel pits, clay pits and chalk pits com- plete with map references and owners, kindly supplied by the County Planning Officer, have been deposited in the Museum library where they may be consulted by members. Report forms, from which it is hoped a register of temporary sections will be compiled, have been prepared. These, together with instructions on its completion, may be had from the Group's Secretary. These need no geological knowledge for their filling in and it cannot be too strongly stressed that the value of a large number of records of this kind is very great. Members are invited to send in any references to the geology of the County which they may find so that the bibliography of the County's geology may be completed. The information needed is book title, date, volume, page number, title of article, and author. It should be sent to the Geological Group Secretary. OCCURRENCE OF THE SKIPPER OFF THE ESSEX COAST In a communication to Nature, two members of the Club, A. C. Wheeler and M. N. Mistakidis, record the presence of this fish (Scomberesox saurus) in the Southern North Sea and Thames Estuary. Several specimens were caught in the River Crouch in December 1959 and reports of catches by fishermen at Southend and Leigh-on-Sea are noted. The Skipper had only been reported once before from Essex. A more complete discussion of the occurrences may be obtained from the above-mentioned paper*. Book Reviews and Notices Thirty Rambles Around Saffron Walden. Produced by the Saffron Walden Countryside Association (S. R. Fisher, Esq., 10 Mount Pleasant Road, Saffron Walden). Price 2/6. Country Walks in Herts. and Essex. Produced by Bishops Stortford and District Footpaths Association (W. ET. Turner, Esq., 2a Barrells Down Road, Bishops Stortford). Price 1/-. A Poacher's Tale. By Fred J. Speakman and Alfred T. Curtis. Published by 6. Bell & Sons Ltd. 1961. 189 pages. Price 18/-. My first impression of "A Poacher's Tale", is that it is mis-titled and should have been titled "By Hook or by Crook". *Wheeler, A. C. & Mistakidis, M. N. (1960). Nature, 188: 334-335.