344 THE ESSEX NATURALIST *April 24 Easton Lodge, Great Dunmow (the "Arboretum" and general natural history). Leader: G. W. Allen. *May 8 Epping Forest Survey (Baldwins Pond area—general entomology). Leader: D. Chapman. *May 15 Mill Green, Ingatestone (birds and bird-song). Leader: M. T. Parker. *May 21 North Fambridge and District (general natural history). Leader: J. T. Friedlein. "May 29 Harts Wood and Childerditch (birds and bird-song). Leader: M. T. Parker. *June 6 Woodham Walter Common Survey (general entom- ology). Leader: P. M. Hammond. June 11 President's Meeting to Skippers Island. Leader: E. F. Williams. •June 19 Epping Forest Survey (Baldwins Pond area—botany, reptiles, and amphibia). Leader: G. Malenoir. *June 26 Mill Green, Ingatestone (birds and bird-song). Leader: M. T. Parker. *July 2 Grays (chalk pits). Joint Meeting with South Essex Natural History Society. Leader: S. Jermyn. July 17 Epping Forest (general natural history). Joint Meeting with St. Osyth Bird Watching and Protection Society. Leader: D. Chapman. •July 30 Norsey Wood, Billericay (general entomology). Leader: D. Chapman. *August 20 Navestock Park (botany). Leader: B. Ward. *September 3 Walton-on-the-Naze (geology). Leader: R. Coates. *September 10 Epping Forest (fungi). Leader: Mrs. D. Boardman. *September 18 Woodham Walter and Lingwood Commons (Lichens). Joint Meeting with British Lichen Society. Leader: Dr. K. Alvin. *October 9 Epping Forest Fungus Foray. Leader: Mrs. D. Board- man. October 13 Botanical Group Meeting. Passmore Edwards Museum. October 22 Members' Notes and Short Papers. West Ham Col- lege of Technology. November 3 Mammal Group Inaugural Meeting. Passmore Edwards Museum. *November 12 Epping Forest (mosses). Leader: E. Saunders. November 26 "Introduction to the Ecology of Woodham Walter Common" by W. Ft. Masefield. Mid-Essex Technical College, Chelmsford. *December 3 Burnham-on-Crouch (wildfowl and waders). Leader; A. C. Wheeler. December 10 "Agriculture in Essex" by Dr. F. E. Kenchington. West Ham College of Technology. (Ordinary Meetings at which formal business was transacted are in bold type)