vi INDEX Malenoir, G. See Wheeler Mammals of Skippers Island .......................................... 335 Mammals recorded from Foulness Island ........................... 217 Marine biology at Skippers Island ................................. 247 Marine biology—ecology of S. Benfleet Creek ..................... 291 Marshall, K. Excavations at the Mesolithic site near High Beach, Epping Forest ............................................. 163 Marshall, K. Excavations at Thorndon Hall, lecture ......... 214 Masefield, W. R. Further ecological study of Woodham Walter Common woodland .................................... 169 Masefield, W. R. Plant ecology of Woodham Walter Common 22 Mays, R. H. Henry Doubleday—the Epping Naturalist ... 313 Mays, R. H. Stone-curlew in Essex .............................. 66 Meetings of the Club, 1960 ............................................. 343 Mesolithic site at High Beach, Epping Forest ..................... 163 Mistakidis, M. N. Shrimping Industry in Essex ............... 228 Mollusca—an Introduction to ....................................... 12 Mosses at Black Notley Churchyard ................................. 62 Moths. See Lepidoptera. Mycetozoan (Diderma simplex) new to Epping Forest ......... 61 Mycetozoa, recorded in Epping Forest .............................. 86 Mycetozoa, recorded in Epping Forest .............................. 139 Myocastor (Coypu) in Essex .......................................... 279 N Naze (at Walton) visited ............................................. 285 Nazeing Stage (Pleistocene) in the Lea Valley..................... 29 Nazeing Stage, in the Lea Valley, a further study ............... 108 Nematodes, free living, from Skippers Island ..................... 204 Nisbet, R. H. Marine Biology at Skippers Island ............ 247 Nisbet, R. H. Introduction to the Mollusca ..................... 12 O Oakley, K. P. Life and work of S. Hazzledine Warren ......... 143 Oakley, K. P. List of published papers of S. Hazzledine Warren ............................................................... 147 Ongar, Greenstead visited ............................................. 83 Owen, C. The Coypu ................................................... 279 P Pandalus montagui, natural history ................................. 239 Parker, M. T. Dawn chorus in Essex .............................. 268 Parker, S. Red-backed Shrikes at Colchester .................. 276 Pettifer, A. J. Mosses at Black Notley churchyard ............ 62 Pholcus phalangioides exhibited .................................... 141 Plant ecology of Woodham Walter Common ..................... 22 Plant notes ............................................................... 57 Plant notes, 1957 ......................................................... 119