viii INDEX Skippers Island, Mammals of ....................................... 335 Skippers Island, Marine Biology of.............................. 247 Skippers Island, Natural History of (Lecture) ............... 283 Skippers Island, Nematodes, free-living, of ..................... 204 Skippers Island, report of visit .................................... 216 Skippers Island, visited ................................................ 138 Slow-worm, albino ................................................280, 288 South Benfleet, Great Grey Shirke at .............................. 67 Stifford, subsidences near ............................................. 309 Stone-curlew near Saffron Walden ................................. 66 Stone Point visited ...................................................... 285 Storm-petrel in Epping Forest ....................................... 66 Stour, R, birds of...................................................324, 325 Stubbers, home of William Coys visited ........................... 81 Swale, E. M. F. Algal Flora of the River Lee, part I ......... 173 Swale, E. M. F. (See also Belcher, J. H.). Syms, E. E. Elected President ....................................... 75 Syms, E. E. Notes on Endomychus coccineus .................. 121 Syngnathus rostellatus as a British Fish ........................... 56 T Thorn-apple. (See Datura.) Thorndon Hall, excavations at ....................................... 214 Toadstool, Function and Form (Presidential Address) ...... 1 Trametes rubescens, gills and pores in .............................. 118 Trixie ........................................................................ 254 V Vacuolaria virescens (alga) recorded ................................. 284 Volucella zonaria in Essex............................................. 72 W Waltham Forest, boundary of ....................................... 117 Ward, B. T. A Storm-petrel in Essex .............................. 66 Ward, B. T. Essex Plant notes, 1958 .............................. 164 Ward, B. T. Essex Plant notes, 1959 .............................. 267 Ward, B. T. Some Essex Botanical Notes ..................... 57 Ward, B. T. Some Essex Botanical Notes, 1957 ............ 119 Warner, Richard. Home visited .................................... 80 Warren, S. H. Obituary and appreciation ........................ 143 Warren, S. H., publications of ....................................... 147 Wasps, social (Presidential Address) ................................. 134 Water-mites from the Chelmsford district ........................ 201 Weald Park, visited ...................................................... 219 Wheeler, A. C. Elected Secretary ................................. 217 Wheeler, A. C. Mammals of Skippers Island ..................... 335