A REPORT ON INVESTIGATIONS IN THE DENEHOLES 11 although most pieces of wood found in the holes were covered with the fluffy white mycelia of a fungus, and orange fruiting- bodies have been noted. Food-cycles independent of microflora are certainly possible, and depend on the introduction of organic refuse, and animals from outside, for the support of predators and refuse-feeders, which live permanently in the dark. The deneholes are admirably suited to the introduction of food-material produced external to the holes. Large amounts of vegetable matter, large numbers of small animals, and occasionally mammals fall into the holes. The small animals may be attacked by predators or, when dead, form food for carrion-feeders. Bat excrement is another possible source of food for the cave fauna, but little excrement would probably be left by the small number of bats hibernating. The accidental trogloxenes occurring at the base of the open shafts are of interest apart from the affect they will have on any true cave fauna. The species, and the proportion of the different species occurring at the base of the open shafts, undoubtedly differ from the proportions entering. Species depending on green plants, such as Apion dichroum Bedel and the other weevils would probably not survive for long. The species of beetle found com- monly on the heaps of debris are detritus and carrion-feeders, and large predators. The food-cycle at the foot of the open shafts may be largely closed, and the accidental trogloxenes may con- tribute little to the food of the true cave fauna. The following is a complete list of the species so far obtained from the holes. Nomenclature of the insects is that of Kloet and Hincks (1945). Species which have been considered by Culling- ford (1953) as troglophiles, trogloxenes and threshold troglophiles are indicated by "tp.", "tx.", and "thtp." respectively. An asterisk (*) indicates species previously unrecorded for Essex, and all species except those marked ( + ) have only been found within 20 feet of the foot of the open shafts. MOLLUSCA PULMONATA Oxychilus cellarius (Muller) tp. ARTHROPODA ISOPODA Philoscia muscorum Scop. + Oniscus asellus L. tx. Porcellio scaber Lat. tx. Armadillidium vulgare Lat. DIPLOPODA + Polymicrodon polydesmoides (Leach) tp. Brachydesmus superus Latzel tp. *Polydesmus coriaceus Porat tx. * + Brachyiulus pusillus (Leach)