THE FAUNA AND FLORA FROM THE BRICK PIT AT LEXDEN 21 Plateumaris braccata is associated with Phragmites. The five water beetles are all typical of stagnant water, with Rantus favouring abundant vegetation, and Helophorus aquaticus living in or on the margin of plant-girt pools. The species of Feronia and Staphylinus erythopterus are predators which could be expected on the margins of a pool. In addition, however, to this fauna which accords with the evidence of the physical environ- ment, there is a second element which correlates with the presence of animal remains and the suggestion that the peat occurred in a hollow used as a drinking pool. Aphodius is well represented and it, Cercyon and Platystethus are dung beetles, whilst Thanato- philus dispar is a carcass beetle.