24 THE ESSEX NATURALIST Figure 4. Badger emergence times in S.W. Essex, 1959-61. With regard to sett C, where emergence is earliest of all, the Badgers get considerable noise and human proximity, but enjoy a good deal of dense cover. The sett is on forest-land at Hainault Forest and, being quite near the road, traffic noise is often con- siderable. A foot-path also runs over the actual sett, and people walking in the evening are numerous in the summer months. A car is also driven along this track after dark, and when it passes near emergence time, often makes the Badgers retire for a short interval. The cover here is holly bushes and brambles which are very close to the sett and extend for some way enabling the Badgers to get out of earshot while still under cover. It is in- teresting to watch these Badgers when they are disturbed by the ear or by passers-by, and to see how quickly they re-emerge,