60 THE ESSEX NATURALIST The story ends Finally I have now to record the end of my ownership of the Island. I had for a year or so felt that as I drew near to the age of 70 I ought to give up the rather strenuous mode of life I lived there. Moreover, it had become increasingly clear that it was not suited to my wife, and that some other kind of holiday must be found for us. Further, although I had now got the Island and all that goes with it into excellent order it required a good deal of thought and care which because of my other pre-occupations I had not found it easy to give. I had always felt sure that, sooner or later, some other like- minded person would appear who would like to have it. In July 1952 three other such people appeared, almost simultaneously, all introduced by friends. To one of these, Mr. Jeremy Hutchinson, a well-known member of the Bar, I have sold the Island with Alpha and her contents and Secret Waters. He tells me that he intends to carry on much as I have. I believe that if he goes on where I left off, and particularly by judicious repair of the Causeway, he can make the place even more attractive than it is now. The other thing which is wanted is not under his control namely the return of the wildfowl to these parts. There have been very few since about 1946, not only on Skippers Island but all along this part of the coast, and no one seems to know why. But the Island has, I am sure, a future as well as a past. Where else, within a few miles of civilised amenities and crowded cities, can you find such privacy, peace and health, or sail in such sheltered waters without seeing another sail, or so perfect an anchorage as here? I shall always look back contentedly to my seven years of ownership and be grateful to it for the health and happiness it has given to me and to many of my friends. APPENDIX I Shooting notes Captain Leigh Pemberton very kindly handed over to me his game book which went back to 1936 but it perished in the fire in January 1947 so I have only my memory of it to go upon. He spent more time on the island than I can and consequently got more than I expect to get. His normal bag for a season was from 100 to 200 wildfowl and anything up to 1000 rabbits. However I have the following note in my own game book of his doings: —