62 THE ESSEX NATURALIST that they are short of water then they will come where water is, so long as it is not brackish. The pond in the Round Field was empty of water in 1946, which was a wet year, and full in 1947 which was very dry. I hardly ever saw anything on the Heronry pond till August 1947 when there were nearly always duck and Teal there. Pratt suggests that this was because the water there is shaded and so was cool in the very hot weather of that August. There were also Mallard usually on the pond in the Round Field. Possibly these birds hatched on these two ponds. Another place which Pemberton thought good but where I have hardly ever seen anything is the "Rushy Pool" near the sea wall on the E. side of the island towards the S. end. On the whole I have in mid-winter done best in the North- east corner and in the early part of the season on the pond in the Round Field. APPENDIX II Devolution of title extracted from the Court Books of the Manor of Kirby le Soken Description:—ALL THAT messuage or tenement called The Hill House with the orchard thereto belonging and adjoining on the part of the south AND ALSO one barn stable and yards thereto belonging and a pightle called the Barn Pightle containing by estimation four acres AND ALSO one field or close of land or pasture called Sea field containing by estimation eleven acres with a certain Island or Marsh thereto belonging or appertaining containing by estimation 18 acres or thereabouts together with the appurtenances. 29th August 1744. Elizabeth Westbroom admitted tenant after the death of Anthony Dean and Elizabeth his wife. 2nd August 1762. Robert Shearcroft admitted under Bargain & Sale from the Trustees of Elizth Westbroom. 14th October 1782. Edward Bogges admitted under Bargain & Sale from the Trustees of Robert Shearcroft. 7th January 1799. William Gosling of Kirby admitted on Sur- render from Edward Bogges. 7th March 1803. Thomas Anderson of Colchester admitted on Surrender from William Gosling. 26th July 1806. William Walford of Elmstead admitted on Surrender from Thomas Anderson. 26th July 1818. Jeremiah Orlibar Nunn Foaker of Sneating Hall admitted on Surrender of Wm. Walford. 6th September 1864. Frederick Foaker of Thorpe admitted under the Will of J. O. N. Foaker.