64 THE ESSEX NATURALIST The dam, really the remains of the old farm road, has suffered and is suffering serious erosion. Some repairs have been effected but unfortunately its present state is worse than in 1955 and a large scale repair effort will have to be made if we are to continue to enjoy its wealth of marine fauna and algae. I suppose that the biggest change on the Island in the last few years has been caused by myxomatosis. There are no Rabbits where once they teemed. The Shelduck are hard put to it to find suitable nesting sites as the old rabbit holes gradually fill up. The Club owes a debt of gratitude to those members who have so selflessly taken part in the Ecological Survey. I look forward to meeting them again on many occasions on Skippers Island. The Hymenoptera of Essex 1. INTRODUCTION AND THE SOCIAL INSECTS, PART 1 By D. I, Chapman The Order of insects known as the Hymenoptera include the ants, bees, wasps, ichneumon flies and sawflies, etc. The following Table shows the present composition of the Order. There are between six and seven thousand British species of Hymenoptera in over one thousand genera; and new species are described every year.