84 THE ESSEX NATURALIST 16 Thursday "Coal and its Plants", by K. Alvin, B.Sc., Ph.D. Pass G more Edwards Museum. 30 Thursday "Animal Tracks'', by P. Blomfield. "Hymenoptera in Essex", by D. Chapman. "Slugs and Snails of South Essex", by H. Huggins. "Woodlice", by W. Young. Joint meeting with the South Essex Natural History Society. Central Library, Victoria Avenue, Southend- on-Sea. December 2 Saturday Botany. Identification of specimens and informal dis- B cussion. Passmore Edwards Museum. 9 Saturday Members' Notes and Short Papers. West Ham College of Technology. 14 Thursday Making Mammal and Bird Skins—A Demonstration and M Lecture by R. G. Nash. Passmore Edwards Museum. Ordinary Meetings at which formal business was transacted are in bold type. Group Meetings are indicated as follows:— B=Botanical Group G=Geological Group M=Mammal Group It is intended to resume "Reports of Meetings" with the next issue.