100 THE ESSEX NATURALIST A number of beetles which are generally common throughout Essex, have not been found on Skippers Island. Many of these are 'obvious' insects, and would have been noticed if present in any numbers. These 'notable absentees' include some of the commonest ladybirds (Coccinella 7-punctata L., Adalia 10- punctata (L.), etc.), many of the commonest ground-beetles (Nebria brevicollis (F.), Trechus quadristriatus (Schrank), some Agonum spp., Bembidion spp.), and the common species of Cantharis, Meligethes, and other genera. The channel separating Skippers Island from the mainland is narrow, but together with the areas of salt-marsh on either side, may form some sort of a barrier to those non-flying insects that do not tolerate saline conditions. Particularly if the beetle fauna of the island was reduced by the Great Flood of 1953, such isola- tion may be a factor in limiting the number of non-coastal species on the island. If more extensive collecting can be done, to make the species- list more complete, the 'notable-absentees' will be of greater interest. I am grateful to Mr. A. A. Allen for help with the Atheta spp., and to Mr. E. F. Williams for his kind invitations to visit Skippers Island, and for his hospitality during these visits. The nomenclature used is that of Kloet & Hincks (1945) except where more recent work has shown this to be incorrect. SPECIES LIST Carabidae Leistus ferrugineus (L.) (2), one specimen at grass roots, iii.60. Dyschirius ludersi Wagn. (3), dry creek, ix.59. Dyschirius salinus Schaum (2), shore refuse, iv.61. Dyschirius globosus (Hbst.) (2) and (3), dry creeks, etc. Bembidion varium (Ol.) (3), dry creeks, etc. *Bembidion saxatile Gyll. (2), 1 ex. in shore refuse, iv.61. Bembidion assimile Gyll. (3), beside the pond, 5 ex., iii.60. Bembidion normannum Dej. (2) and (3), abundant in the dry creeks and in shore refuse. Also from under dry seaweed at the northern tip of Skippers Island. Bembidion minimum (F.) (2) and (3), in the same situations as B. normannum Dej., but less abundant. Bembidion guttula (F.) (3), beside the pond, iii.60. Bembidion iricolor Bedel (3), 20+ ex. from beside the pond, iii.60. Pogonus chalceus (Marsh.) (2) and (3), common in shore refuse, and on the saltings. Dicheirotrichus gustavii Crotch (2) and (3), shore refuse, and on the saltings. Amara antica (Panz.) (1), 2 ex. on ragwort flowers, ix.59. Amara convexiuscula (Marsh.) (2), 1 ex. in shore refuse, ix.59. Amara familiaris (Duft.) (2), 4 ex. in shore refuse, iv.61.