BEETLES OF SKIPPERS ISLAND 103 Rhyzobius litura (F.) (1) and (3), very common. Tythaspis aexdecimpunctata (L.) (3), near the creeks, fairly com- mon. Coccinella undecimpunctata L. (1) and (2), generally very common. Numbers were found in shore refuse, ix.59 and iii.60. Chilocorus renipustulatus (Scriba) (2), in shore refuse, 1 ex., iv.61. Oedemeridae Oedemera nobilis (Scop.) (2), 1 ex., vi.60. Anthicidae Anthicus instabilis Schmidt (2), shore refuse, 1 ex., iv.60.; (3), under loose bark of a blackthorn branch, 1 ex., ix.59. Tenebrionidae Schaphidema metallicum (F.) (2), from fallen elm branches, 6 ex., ix.59. Cerambycidae Clytus arietis (L.) (2), several flying, vi.60. Chrysomelidae Lema melanopa (L.) (2) and (3), generally common. Longitarsus luridus (Scop.) (1) and (2), several by sweeping, iv.61. *Crepidodera impressa (F.) (1), 2 ex. were found in copula on a withered flower-head of Sea Lavender (Statice vulgare Mill.) on the foreshore. Previously only recorded from the South coast, this is an interesting capture (Hammond, 1959). However, I have recently seen two specimens of C. impressa in the E. A. Newbery coll. of Coleoptera, in the Museum of Zoology, Cambridge University, which are labelled: 'Nr. Colchester, Aug. 1919, P. Harwood'. There seems no reason why the species should not be found wherever its foodplant, Sea Lavender, occurs in the south of England. Chaetocnema concinna (Marsh.) (2) and (3), common by sweep- ing. Chaetocnema hortensis (Geoff. in Fourc.) (2), general sweeping, 1 ex., iv.61. Sphaeroderma testaceum (F.) (3), general sweeping, 1 ex., ix.59; 1 ex., iv.61. Curculionidae Apion curtirostre Germ (3), general sweeping, 1 ex., iv.61. Apion ulicis (Forst.) (2) and (3), common on gorze. *Phyllobius artemisiae Desb. (2) and (3), iv.61, common by general sweeping.