THE LEPIDOPTERA OF NORTH-EAST ESSEX 117 Small White (Pieris rapae). From April 12 to September; wide- spread and abundant. Green-veined White (Pieris napi). From April 23 to September; widespread and abundant. The three preceding species were particularly abundant in August. Orange Tip (Euchloe cardamines). From May 16 to June; very common and widespread. Clouded Yellow (Colias croceus). Reported from Fingringhoe. Hesperidae Dingy Skipper (Erynnis tages). Reported from Colchester. Grizzled Skipper (Pyrgus malvae). One from Frinton on May 26; also reported from Colchester. Small Skipper (Thymelicus sylvestris). From July 7 onwards; common at Colchester, East Mersea, Little Clacton, Walton and Weeley. Essex Skipper (Thymelicus lineola). From July to August; com- mon at Colchester, Thorpe, Walton and Weeley. Large Skipper (Ochlodes venata). From June 23 to September; common at Colchester, Halstead, Little Clacton, Walton and Weeley. Pyralidae Aphomia sociella. From June 27 to July; four from Colchester. Crambus pinellus. One from Colchester on July 11. Crambus perlellus. From June 23 to July; fourteen from Col- chester, Layer Breton and Weeley. Crambus pratellus. From July 7 onwards; five from Colchester. Crambus hortuellus. From June 27 to August; common at Ardleigh, Colchester and Weeley. Crambus geniculeus. From July to August; common at Col- chester. Crambus tristellus. Two from Colchester in August. Hypsopygia glaucinalis. Two from Colchester in July and August. Hypsopygia costalis. From June 27 to August; common at Colchester. Scoparia trunciolella. Three from Colchester in June and July. Mesographe forficalis. From June 15 to August; twelve from Colchester and Weeley. Sylepta ruralis. Common at Colchester and Weeley in July and August. Eurrhypara hortulata. From June 11 to September; common at Ardleigh, Colchester, Layer Breton, Manningtree and Weeley. Pyraustra nivealis. From July 10 onwards; common at Col- chester. Pyraustra olivalis. From June 9 onwards; common at Colchester and Weeley. Pyraustra nubilalis. One from Colchester on June 30.