122 THE ESSEX NATURALIST THE EXCAVATION AREAS 1. The House Ditch Enclosure Cutting I, laid out at right angles from the southern edge of Square 80/78, cut the north eastern side of the house ditch at a slightly oblique angle; however its width of 2 metres overcame the projection angle difficulty in measuring dimensions. The width of the ditch at the surface of the gravel was found to be 540 metres, but it should be understood that the scraped surface of the gravel provides only an arbitrary datum. Since all over- burden had been removed before the site was discovered it is difficult to assess the absolute level of the surface at the time of the original excavation of the ditch as a protective work. Its maximum depth from existing surface was established at 1.50 metres. The section at Fig. 3 shows the strata encountered and it can readily be seen that the ditch became choked and was recut on two successive occasions. The light coloured silting (1) at the deepest point is succeeded by an earthy infilling (2) with a slight concentration of flinty gravel at its centre. The yellowish earth (3), lying above (2) on the northern side of the section, is also associated with this infilling. The olive grey earth (4) shows a recutting of the already choked ditch, but as it is a comparatively clean deposit an accumulation of organic silt, as in the case of (1), is not suggested. It would seem possible that this represents a ditch which was kept clean and then infilled rapidly and possibly deliberately. Stratum (5) is the silting of a second recutting and is succeeded by (6) which is distinguished only by a lower organic content. Above this last level was found a homogeneous fill (7) which had the appearance of made ground and it is felt that material from this may have come from any part of the site, or even from the general vicinity. Cutting IV, parallel to the southern edge of Square 82/75 was intended not only to section the east side of the house ditch, but to provide information about the irregular surface marking which obscured part of its southern angle. In fact this irregularity proved to be nothing more than a shallow patch of earth filling a slight dip in the gravel surface and thus left as an outlier by machines scraping to a set level. The earth was only 0.25 metres in depth and showed no significant archaeological level. The width of ditch, lip to lip at the gravel surface, as exposed in Cutting IV was 4.50 metres and its greatest depth 1.75 metres. The stratification of the section obtained was found to resemble closely that taken in Cutting I. Levels (1), (2) and (3) were found in the same relationship and two recuttings can be identified in the second section, although in Cutting IV the infilling of the second ditch, (4) is more developed and the final filling, (7) is of lesser extent. The latter difference is easily explained by variation in ground level. It was also noted that the profile of the Cutting IV section is much more rounded than that from Cutting I. A further feature of the second excavated section was the finding of an