DITCHED ENCLOSURE SITE AT CORBETS TEY 125 Structures A, B, C and D are completely enclosed by the ditch and the superimposition of B on D along with a form similarity between A and B, and between C and D suggests at least two periods of occupation whilst the ditch was functional. It seems reasonable to relate A and B to the earliest ditch, Period 1; the sub-rectangular structures C and D would then equate with the second ditch, Period 2, and probably with the later recutting. The likely dates for these associations are early 1st century, pre- Roman for Period 1 and middle or late 1st century to early 2nd century for Period 2. Then a period of disuse may be interposed. Level 6 in the ditch represents such a period of misuse or lack of maintenance and is followed by the Period 3 infilling and the con- struction of structure E in the 3rd century. 2. The Burials—Fig. 7 As already noted a small cremation cemetery was discovered in the vicinity of the house ditch. The burial groups numbered four and were found in Squares 77/73 and 77/74. Group 1. Comprised three items. a. Butt beaker, hard, sandy, grey paste. Four zones of decoration, separated by incised lines. Upper zone burnished, two central zones with vertical combing, lower coated with thin white slip. cf. Camulodunum type 119 B and C ........................ Claudian / Neronic b. Cup—soft, sandy grey paste. Made from a larger vessel by removal of upper part. c. Bowl, wide mouthed with formed neck, dark burnished finish, vestigial foot ring. cf. Camulodunum type 221 B ....................................... Claudian/Neronic Group 2. Reported as containing only the broken base of a pot, not seen. Group 3. One item only. Flagon. Soft orange paste with a thin cream slip. A Roman type of vessel, cf. Camulodunum type 140 D and 141 A ..................... Claudian/Neronic-Flavian Group 4. Three items. a. Narrow mouthed jar, hard sandy light grey paste, wheel made and tooled, cf. Camulodunum type 231 A and 234 B ....................................... Claudian/Neronic b. Bowl, soft brownish paste, polished black surface. cf. Camulodunum type 221 B and 222 ... Claudian/Neronic c. Cup, copy of Drag. form 27. Grey paste, polished black surface. cf. Richborough I form 45, Richborough III form 226 and 227 also Springhead Site B, fig. 8, 4 ...... Neronic-Flavian