128 THE ESSEX NATURALIST colour coated fabric and a lid in pale buff clay with a painted decoration. The rest of the material is largely indeterminate and much of it is to be regarded as survival. 3. Red sandy paste with black exterior. 4. Grey sandy paste. 5. Grey paste with black polished surface. 6. Dark black sandy paste. Small bead rim jars. 7. Soft grey clay. Exterior surface black, interior sur- face brown. Shell and grit temper. 8. Soft grey clay with shell and grit temper. External surface black, interior surface red. 9. Dark grey clay with shell and grit temper. 10. Dark grey clay with shell and grit temper. Large storage jars. 11. Coarse red clay with shell and grit temper. 12. Brown clay with shell and grit temper. 13. Bead rim jar, hand made. Brown clay with grit temper. Black exterior surface, red interior. 14. Bead rim jar. Fairly hard sandy grey clay with shell temper. Flanged Bowls. 15, 16, 17. All hard grey clay with dark surface. Necked jars. 18, 19, 20. All hard sandy grey clay. 21. Hard sandy grey clay with black burnished surface. 22. Soft grey clay. Group 7. Cut IV, layer 1. Bead rim jars. 23, 24, 25. Dark black, coarse, straw tempered clay. Probably hand made and reduction fired. Oven bar (not figured). 96 mm x 39 mm x 42 mm hand made and burnt red. Group 9. Square 79/76. 26. Jar. Hard, dark grey sandy clay. Group 10. Square 78/73. Trench F. 27. Hard sandy grey clay. 28. Soft brown clay. Bead rim jars. 29. Coarse dark grey vessel with grit temper. 30. Sandy red clay. 31. Coarse vessel of soft grey brown clay.