DITCHED ENCLOSURE SITE AT CORBETS TEY 131 Two fragments of a loom weight. Made of a now much eroded calcareous sandstone probably derived from the Greensand series. Group 17. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. Group 19. 44-54 (excluding 46). 46. Square 80/76. Sandy grey clay, interior surface red, exterior black. Sandy grey clay with shell temper, internal surface red, exterior black. Coarse shell tempered brown clay, interior surface red, exterior black. Dark grey clay, wheel made with burnished band on shoulder. Buff clay with incised decoration. Rubbish Spread A. These are all wheel made vessels in a hard sandy grey clay with or without a slight burnished slip on the surface, which is of a pale grey. Wheel made vessel of hard grey clay with a black burnished slip. Group 20. Unstratified. Fig. 6. Large Jar Dark grey paste, hand made. Base pierced by small holes made after firing. Reconstructed. Small Jar (thumb pot) Dark grey paste, hand made. Recovered intact from working face of gravel pit. BROOCH. Fig. 5. Bronze bow brooch, length 60 mm. Weakly curved bow, cross moulding above and below the side wings. Side wings snowed traces of niello inlay. SUMMARY The removal of topsoil during gravel digging operations revealed a considerable area of ditched enclosures. By means of selective excavation of the ditches and careful clearing of the main enclosed area, the site was identified as a Romano British farm- stead of simple huts, occupied throughout the 1st century and during the 3rd century.