BOTANICAL NOTES AND RECORDS FOR 1962 133 Total No. of 10 Km. squares 1 to 5 6 to 10 11 to 20 21 and over 57 No. of species 421 176 195 479 1,271 Percentages 33 14 15 38 100% It is interesting to note that 62 % of the species recorded occur in 20 or less squares. These can be classified as uncommon, rare and very rare in Essex. A lot of the restricted distribution is brought about by the physical features and other factors in the way the County is divided up. There is no really high ground, few heaths, little chalk and limited areas of sandy seashores. There is also a great similarity in the plant life on the large areas of saltings and marshes round the coast and up the tidal rivers and creeks. The economic factors also have to be considered, there is a large built-up area known as Metropolitan Essex and in the South there is fairly widespread industrialisation with a high density of population. In the part known botanically as North Essex, v.c. 19, intensive farming is carried out. During the year I visited 50 squares, but I am most grateful to the following persons for contributing individual records or lists for one or more squares: Dr. K. L. Alvin, Dr. A. Adams, Mr. R. W. Ball, Miss B. A. Burroughs, Mr. J. Caine, Mr. J. Firmin, Mr. J. Fielding, Miss J. M. Gracey, Mr. D. A. Hunford, Mr. J. R. Ironside-Wood, Miss M. A. Johnson, Mr. A. G. Jones, Mrs. N. Mansbridge, Miss E. M. Male, Miss E. M. Noyes, Miss N. B. Scarfe, and Mr. E. Saunders. The following list is a selection of the less common species and it is arranged in alphabetical order by families. The nomenclature adopted is taken from The Flora of the British Isles by Clapham, Tutin and Warburg, Cambridge University Press, 1952, for the purpose of maintaining consistency in the recording. The page number of this work is quoted before the plant name and the figures after the parish name are for the 10 km. square numbers. See Essex Nat., 31 : 27 (1962), for further details. Boraginaceae 846 Echium vulgare L. Viper's Bugloss Rainbow Wood 68 844 Lithospermum arvense L. Corn Gromwell Althorne 99 844 Lithospermum officinale L. Gromwell Mill Green 60 Caprifoliaceae 1000 Sambucus ebulus L. Danewort East Tilbury 67 Compositae 1086 Artemisia verlotorum Lam. Chinese Mugwort Stratford 38 (in flower) Dagenham 48 1131 Cicerbita macrophylla (Willd.) Wallr. — Little Hallingbury 51 1058 Filago minima (Sm.) Pers. — Bradwell 90 Fingringhoe 01 1165 Hieracium aurantiacum L. — Little Thurrock 57 (large patch)