BRYOPHYTE NOTES, 1962 139 Fontinalis antipyretica Hedw. var. gracilis (Lindb.) Schp. From course of old River Lea near Fishers Green at Waltham Abbey, v.c. 19. An unusual form of this species normally confined to mountain waterfalls! The River Lea is not dredged where this is growing and the bed of the river has cut through the overlying soils down to the gravel, providing a firm base on which the plant can exist. Campylum elodes (Spruce) Broth. From side of bomb crater pond in Hatfield Forest. 28th April 1962, v.c. 19. This is a rare species from chalky marshland. Amblystegium serpens (Hedw.) B. & S. var. salinum. Carr. From Grays chalk pit. February 1959, v.c. 18. A very slender form, yellowish in colour, with tiny leaves. This is an unusual habitat as this variety is most commonly found on sandy sea coasts. Amblystegium kochii B. & S. From meadow by River Lea near Waltham Abbey, December 1961, and also by the River Stort near Harlow Mill. 27th January 1962, both v.c. 19. Drepanocladus uncinatus (Hedw.) Warnst. From damp con- crete wall by stream below road level near Margaretting. Although a common species in Western England it can be considered rare in our eastern districts. Liverworts Fossombronia pusilla (L.) Dum. From Epping Lower Forest by ditches, 1960, v.c. 19. An overlooked species, the Field Club has a previous record from this region by the late St. John Marriott but this had not been officially recorded by the British Bryological Society. Fossombronia wondraczekii (Corda) Dum. From sandy ditch by the Wake Arms, Epping Forest, November 1962, v.c. 18. Both the above species are identified by the patterns of ridges on the spores which must be present for correct identification. Calypogeia muelleriana (Schiffn.) K. Mull. From St. Thomas's Quarters, Epping Forest, 1962, v.c. 19, and from High Woods, Ingatestone, 1962, v.c. 18. Although this species is common in Essex it is being re-recorded as there is confusion between this and C. trichomanis under which name our old records have been in- cluded. 0. trichomanis is probably not present in Essex. Lophozia excisa (Dicks.) Dum. With perianths; from ditch on Theydon Golf Course, Epping Forest, November 1962, v.c. 18. Barbilophozia attenuata (Mart.) Loeske. Growing among Leucobryum glaucum under trees in Monks Wood, Epping Forest, 1st April 1962, v.c. 18. Chiloscyphus pallescens (Ehrh.) Dum. From ditch in wood- land by Bailey Hills near Farnham, February 1962, v.c. 19 (with perianths).