FALLOW DEER FROM EPPING FOREST 151 position of each in this sequence is given in the table. This should not be taken to imply any absolute difference in age, it merely arranges them according to which are the most worn. A number are, for example, closely similar in wear and might be of much the same age. 110/63. Female. Killed on the 2nd March 1963, on the A.11 road north of Epping Thicks at T.L. 443.008. No foetus was found and the uterus could not be identified in the mess of burst and split organs. The nipples of the mammary glands were fairly prominent, and the animal was in lactation. Weight of animal, 36.9 Kg. 178/63. Female. Killed 18th April 1963. Precise locality unknown. 184/63. Female. Killed 8th April 1963. Precise locality unknown. 185/63. Female. Killed summer 1953 near coal duty post, on Jacks Hill. 327/63. Female. Killed 4th April 1963 on A.11 near Wake Valley Ponds. 444/63. Male. Killed 14th October 1963 near Wake Arms. Weight 59.4 Kg. (carcass somewhat mauled). Stomach contents largely grass and leaves. Plate 4.