152 THE ESSEX NATURALIST 445/63. Female. Killed at 7.10 a.m. on the 21st October 1963 on the A.11 opposite the Clay Ride. Stomach contained grass, crab apples and leaves of silver birch. The reproductive and digestive organs were examined by the London Hospital. A report on these will be published later. 448/63. Male. Killed about 10 a.m. on Woodridden Hill on the 23rd October 1963. Stomach contained grass, cabbage leaves and ears of corn. Plate 5. 451/63. Female. Killed on the 28th October 1963, precise locality unknown. 452/63. Male. Killed at 1.30 a.m. on the 30th October 1963, on the A.11 between the Warren, Loughton and the Robin Hood P.H. Plates 2 and 6. 453/63. Female. Shot in Bush Wood, Leytonstone, on the 1st November 1963. See details above. 43/64. Female. Killed at 7 p.m. on the 10th February 1964 on the A.11 outside the Warren, Loughton. The internal organs were badly damaged. The uterus and ovaries were removed and preserved. There was no foetus found and the animal was lactating (cf. 110/63). Weight, 35 Kg. The stomach contents consisted largely of grass with a few crab apples. 46/64. Female. Killed near the Wake Arms P.H. on the A.11 on the morning of the 28th February 1964. Weight (less contents of abdominal cavity), 17.5 Kg. The stomach contained only grass. The animal was not pregnant, and an examination of the teeth showed it to be a 1963 fawn. 64/64. Female. Killed on the 12th April 1964, precise spot unknown. The animal was pregnant carrying a well-advanced female foetus. This is preserved in the Museum. The stomach contents consisted almost entirely of grass. 91/64. Male. Killed on the 3rd May 1964, precise spot un- known. The antlers of this animal became detached in the accident and disappeared before they could be examined. P.D.S.A. Female. The Museum was kindly informed of the presence of a pregnant doe at the Peoples Dispensary for Sick Animals, Woodford Bridge, which had been injured in an accident on 16th April 1963; the animal later died. The carcass was examined for the Museum by Mr. A. Storey. Mr. White, the Superintendent, has kindly supplied the following details. Body weight, less foetus, 25.4 Kg. The foetus had no hair and the skin was jelly like, eyelashes were present though the eyes were sealed. An X-ray taken of the thoracic region of the adult animal showed a slight congestion of one lung, but otherwise the animal appeared perfectly healthy.