160 THE ESSEX NATURALIST 1931 Behaviour of Woodpeckers at Nesting sites, Epping Forest (co- author). London Nat, (1930): 133-134. 1932 Gall-causing Cynipidae in Britain (with M. Niblett and H. J. Burk- hill). Entomologist, 65: 232-235, 254-258, 274-275. 1933 Occurrence of Colloderma oculatum (Lipp.) G. Lister in Epping Forest. Essex Nat, 24 : 64. 1934 Andricus furunculus (Beyer.) Kieff. and its gall. London Nat. (1933): 85-86. 1939 The Mycetozoa of Limpsfield Common. London Nat. (1938): 61-62. 1939 Neuroterus schlechtendali Mayr. London Nat. (1938): 36-39. 1940 Mycetozoa found in Epping Forest, 1939. Essex Nat, 27: 29-33. 1941 Mycetozoa from near Loughton in the winter of 1940/1. Essex Nat, 27: 150-152. 1942 Some interesting plants of Epping Forest. Essex Nat., 27: 164-166. 1945 Sections on Mycetozoa and Galls in 'Cuckoo Pits Survey'. London Nat. (1944): 50-51; 62, 65. 1946 Mycetozoa in Epping Forest. London Nat (1945): 69-74. 1946 Cynipid Flies and Galls on Oak. London Nat. (1945): 31-46. 1947 Mycetozoa records for Epping Forest, 1941-1946. Essex Nat., 28: 16-19. 1947 Trichia floriformis in Epping Forest. Essex Nat, 28: 19-20. 1947 Oak Galls in Epping Forest. Essex Nat, 28: 34-35. 1947 Woodlarks in South-west Essex. Essex Nat, 28: 37. 1948 Plant Galls in Epping Forest; Survey of Ludgate Plain, 1946-1947. London Nat. (1947), 27: 73-74. 1948 Mycetozoa in Epping Forest in 1946-7. Essex Nat, 28: 54-58. 1948 Orthodontium gracile in Epping Forest. Essex Nat, 28: 68-69. 1948 Pied Flycatcher at Chingford. Essex Nat, 28: 75. 1948 Mandarin Duck in Epping Forest. Essex Nat., 28: 75. 1948 Epping Forest Plants. Essex Nat., 28: 80. 1949 Mycetozoa in Epping Forest in 1947-8. Essex Nat, 28: 134-136. 1950 Obituary of Miss G. Lister. London Nat (1949), 29: 141-142. 1950 Mycetozoa in Epping Forest in 1948-9. Essex Nat, 28: 191-192. 1951 A Study of some British species of Synergus. Trans. Soc. Brit. Ent, 11 : 81-96. 1951 Mycetozoa in Epping Forest in 1949-50. Essex Nat, 28: 281-283. 1952 Mycetozoa in Epping Forest in 1950-51. Essex Nat, 29: 35-36. 1952 An unusual occurrence at Chingford. Essex Nat., 29: 40-41. 1953 Mycetozoa in Epping Forest in 1951-2. Essex Nat, 29: 104. 1954 Mycetozoa in Epping Forest in 1952-3. Essex Nat, 29: 197-199. 1955 Obituary of F. G. Dell. London Nat. (1954), 34: 163-164. 1957 Part Obituary of H. J. Burkill. London Nat (1956), 36: 104-106. 1957 Diderma simplex (Schroet) Lister. A Mycetozoan new to Epping Forest. Essex Nat, 30: 61.