162 THE ESSEX NATURALIST The Club's finances are still fairly stable. The Council are pleased and grateful to have received a grant of £55, in aid of publications, from the Royal Society. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE GEOLOGY GROUP, 1962 Meetings The second Annual General Meeting of the Group was held in the Museum at Stratford, and consisted of the showing of two films on Antarctica. The first dealt with the problems and diffi- culties encountered in setting up bases as a prelude to the crossing of this. The second film shown recorded the complete crossing. At the conclusion of the programme, the Group's Chair- man, Mr. J. M. Branson, thanked Mr. Marshall, the Museum Curator, for acting as projectionist. This meting was attended by 20 Members and friends. The Meeting to the Wicken Bonhunt area, held on 27th May, was supported by 14 Members and Associates. The party met at Newport Station and proceeded to a Chalk Pit close by, where the leader, Mr. Branson, gave an account of the Geology of the area, during which the party had to find shelter from a sudden downpour of rain. After extracting itself from the chalky mud the party proceeded by cars to Wicken Bonhunt. Several more pits were visited in the vicinity and some fossils were found. It struck several members as rather amusing that whilst travelling from pit to pit the sun came out, but when we stopped we had to dive for shelter from the rain. These conditions persisted until the last stop where the sun did come out. Seven Members met at Cambridge Station on 22nd September for the visit to the famous Chalk Pit at Barrington, which is described in the Memoir published by the Geological Survey. At this pit, which is one of the largest in the area, Members were able to see and collect the phosphatic nodules from the Gault Clay which underlies the Chalk. Numerous fossils were collected from the chalk including several Ammonites, unfortunately none of the really big ones, which can be found there, were found on this occasion, but no doubt they will be found again another time. The party was able to collect specimens of marcasite, and other types of iron pyrites. The Group would like to thank and acknowledge the co- operation of the owners of this Pit for granting permission for this visit. On 8th November, at the Passmore Edwards Museum, Mr. J. Reekie gave an illustrated lecture entitled, "A Beginners Introduc- tion to Minerals". He outlined briefly the construction of various types of minerals, and then gave a description of some of the commonest, and their identification in the field.