174 THE ESSEX NATURALIST Fig. 1. Occurrence of L. bifasciatus in Essex. Solid black circles repre- sent records of occurrence in and near Essex. The numbers represent month and year of the first capture of the species in the locality. It is found in most situations where other Lathridiid beetles occur and, in mid-Essex at least, is often taken in greater numbers than any related species. If it is a mould-feeder like other Lathridiids, L. bifasciatus will probably not be greatly influenced by competition for food. It will be of interest to see how far the species spreads in England, and how rapidly its range increases; also, to note whether future spread is outwards from one centre, or from discrete estab- lished sub-centres. In Essex, it would be interesting to know the date of arrival of L. bifasciatus on the coastal islands. Intensive searching failed to reveal it on the Essex Field Club Survey area of Skippers Island up to 1961.